Self-Reliant Diver


About the Course

With proper training, equipment and the right attitude to accept the risks involved in independent diving, an experienced diver can responsibly engage in dives without a buddy. If you have the mental discipline and commitment to learn and follow self-reliant diving techniques, you'll bolster your skills and confidence when diving alone, in a dive pair or as part of a team.

Learn How to

  • Compensate for situations you would normally handle with a buddy
  • Independently manage dive emergencies

Take This Course If You Want to

  • Dive without a buddy
  • Sharpen your skills and become a better diver

How to Become a Self-Reliant Diver


Although diving with a buddy is the norm, there are reasons for an experienced diver to develop self-reliance and independence while diving. Learning to carry out dives without a partner can make you a stronger diver in most dive situations.


  • Minimum age: 18
  • Advanced Open Water Diver
  • 100 logged dives
  • Dive skills assessment

PADI eLearning

No eLearning available.

With Your Instructor

During three self-reliant training dives, you'll practice: - Performing an air consumption rate swim to gather information for later calculation. - Switching to a redundant air supply system during simulated emergency situations. - Swimming without a mask. - Navigating to various points, including your exit. - Using a DSMB.

Time commitment: 1 day

After This Course

Each PADI Specialty you complete gets you one step closer to earning the elite Master Scuba Diver rating.

Junior Divers