Scuba Diver

About the Course

The PADI Scuba Diver course is a subset of the PADI Open Water Diver course. If you're short on time but really want to become a diver, the PADI Scuba Diver rating might be right for you ΜΆ particularly if you expect to go scuba diving primarily with a dive guide. This course is an intermediate step for earning an Open Water Diver certification, if that's your ultimate goal.

Learn How to

  • Assemble and use basic scuba gear
  • Manage your buoyancy
  • Respectfully approach marine life
  • Handle common problems

Take This Course If You Want to

  • Explore the other 70 percent of our planet
  • Support ocean protection
  • See things you've never seen before
  • Learn from a scuba diving expert

Begin Earning your Scuba Diving Certification


Learn about scuba diving principles and terminology (either offline or online), then learn basic scuba skills in a pool (or pool-like environment) with a highly trained PADI Instructor. When you're ready, make two dives in an open water environment (the ocean, a lake) with your instructor supporting you every step of the way


  • Minimum age: 10

PADI eLearning

The first phase of the scuba diver course includes knowledge development to understand basic principles of scuba diving. This includes the first three of five sections of the Open Water Diver course.

Time commitment: 3-6 hours

With Your Instructor

With your instructor you will complete: - Confined Water Dives to learn basic scuba skills - just the first three of five dives of the Open Water Diver course - Open Water Dives to use your skills and explore - just two of four dives of the Open Water Diver course.

Time commitment: 3-5 days

After This Course

Continue your dive training by completing the PADI Open Water Diver certification and taking certain specialty diver courses.

Junior Divers