Fish Identification


About the Course

“What was that fish?” is a common question heard after a dive. If you want to be the scuba diver with the answers, instead of the one asking the questions, then take the Fish Identification Specialty course. You'll enjoy your dives even more when you recognize the creatures that you see and can identify the main fish families and their characteristics.

Learn How to

  • Identify characteristics of local fish families and species

Take This Course If You Want to

  • Learn about fish survey techniques and strategies
  • Learn about Project AWARE activities that can help protect aquatic life
  • Enjoy dives even more

How to Earn a Fish ID Specialty Certification


This course is designed to introduce divers to the most common families and species of fish found in temperate and tropical waters. Divers learn basic fish identification and scientific surveying techniques. Through an overview of Project AWARE and other preservation and research efforts, divers also learn the importance of personal involvement in aquatic environment conservation.


  • Minimum age: 10

PADI eLearning

No eLearning available.

With Your Instructor

During two dives you'll cover: - The Project AWARE philosophy about protecting worldwide aquatic ecosystems. - Fish family groupings and common characteristics of fish species found in the local area. - Fish surveying techniques and strategies for collecting valid data. - The planning, organization, and procedures for identifying fish families and species while diving.

Time commitment: 1 day

After This Course

The first dive of this PADI Specialty Diver course may credit as an Adventure Dive toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification - ask your instructor about earning credit.

Junior Divers