Boat Diver

About the Course

If you’re new to boat diving or want to learn more about diving from different types of boats, enroll in the PADI® Boat Diver course. During two dives with an instructor you’ll learn nautical terminology, boat diving etiquette and may practice using lines and/or deploy a surface marker buoy (SMB).

Learn How to

  • Pack for a boat trip
  • Properly stow your gear
  • Manage seasickness

Take This Course If You Want to

  • Learn boat diving etiquette
  • Understand boat terminology

How to Earn your Boat Diver Certification


If you love to travel, the PADI Boat Diver Specialty course will prepare you to dive from small inflatables all the way up to large liveaboards. Learn how to enter and exit the water, use current lines and manage seasickness.


  • Minimum age: 10
  • Open Water Diver (or equivalent certification)

PADI eLearning

PADI eLearning makes it easy to fit scuba lessons into a busy schedule. Complete the independent study part of your course whenever, wherever it’s convenient for you. Work at your own pace, online or offline, using a computer or mobile device. Connect with your instructor for inwater training, or whenever you have a question.

Time commitment: 2-4 hours

With Your Instructor

You'll make two dives from a boat where you’ll practice entering and exiting the water and properly stowing your gear. Your instructor will also teach you about local boat diving etiquette and safety procedures.

Time commitment: 1-2 days

After This Course

The first dive of your Boat Diver Specialty course may count toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification – ask your instructor about earning credit. Every PADI Specialty certification you earn gets you one step closer to becoming a Master Scuba Diver.

Junior Divers